Probiotics for Candida Overgrowth

In last week’s column we discussed the most important natural agents for killing Candida overgrowth in the body. We reviewed some of the recent studies highlighting undecylenic acid, oregano oil, clove oil, and berberine and found that these nutrients not only inhibit the growth of Candida but they also prevent Candida from converting into its…

Treating Candida Naturally

At least a couple times a week a new patient will ask me about Candida. Usually, they say something like, “a friend of mine who had similar symptoms told me they had Candida, how do you treat Candida”? I always answer this question by saying, “first we need to determine if your symptoms are from…

Calcium For Bone Health

In last week’s article we discussed bisphosphonates, the most common medication used to treat osteoporosis and bone disorders. We learned that they prevent bone thinning by inhibiting bone remodeling. This leads to thicker bone in the short term (less than 3 years) but likely leads to weaker bone integrity and other side effects in the…

Vitamins for my child?

The most common supplement I prescribe to children both over and under the age of 2 is a multivitamin. A multi is such an important supplement because it gently supplements the deficiency of any of the most essential vitamins and minerals. The most important aspect of a multivitamin for children is its purity. I recommend avoiding any multi containing artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners, binders, and fillers. There is no need for these harmful nutrients and these products may do more harm than good for young children.

Childhood Eczema

Skin conditions like eczema are amongst the most common reasons parents bring their children to see a physician. In fact, next to constipation, eczema is the most common childhood condition I see in my practice. In this article, we will discuss the possible causes of eczema and highlight the most effective treatments. Eczema can affect…

Conventional Treatment for Celiac Disease

The approach used in conventional medicine to treat Celiac Disease is simple and straight forward. In fact, there is only considered to be one treatment for Celiac Disease according to most conventional medical sources. This treatment is the complete avoidance of gluten-containing foods and food products. In the vast majority of cases it is believed…